Well, it has been a while since I last posted a blog. Things have been happening from all corners. We have finished the photography ( production ) of the Documentary Prevent 22. We are now in what is known as the waiting part. The post production that includes the editing part which takes a lot of delicate work to transform all the original raw footage into something that will resemble a film and the addition of music. Very time consuming. Recently, I have been working with the MarineVets Motorcycle Club and Theresa Weston, in Las Vegas, to get the DONATION page up and running on the Prevent22.org website, and on Amazon Smile, a charity that Amazon has where they will donate a percentage of your purchases to the charity of your choice...hopefully Prevent22. It looks like we'll have that up soon. So when I send word, get on the Prevent22.org site and get out your wallets. All donations go to the MarineVets Motorcycle Club to help them with their work in helping veterans in need. Really, it IS a very good cause. That Club made up of all honorably discharged Marines are a national charitable organization dedicated to helping their fellow Marine, Navy, Army, Air Force and Coast Guard veterans make life a little better for them and to bring a stop to the 22 Veterans who commit suicide every Day from depression, (PTSD) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and the hopelessness of their lives.
Hopefully in the next few days, that site will be up, so check in often.
As soon as the documentary is finished and in the can, we will be entering it into some film festivals in order to attract distributors to get the film out there for people to view and purchase. Until next time,...By the way, I do hope you missed me.